FREE Resize and Compress Images for your WordPress Website - It is important to balance both true resizing and compressing of your images to ensure your website is as visually appealing and ...
Why Reduce File Size of a Video? The result of uploading a video directly from your device to your website particularly if it is a large video is that the large video will slow down your ...
If you want to find out which plugins slow down your website 'Query Monitor' is a very good plugin to use. In this video you will learn how to install, activate and use Query Monitor to ...
If there are security issues with themes and plugins that have been deactivated hackers may still get access to them and gain access to your website Deactivated themes and plugins installed ...
All you need to know to optimize your page or blog post to get higher rankings on Google and other search engines: Install and setup the right SEO plugin, choose a focus keyphrase and ensure ...