Home » RSVP Form – Verify your Website and Learn about Performance Reports in Google Search Console

RSVP Form – Verify your Website and Learn about Performance Reports in Google Search Console

Hi, I am very pleased to invite you to attend the following FREE Training on Saturday the 13th November:

‘How to Verify your Website on Google Search Console’. Training will be provided between 10 – 10:30am.

‘Understanding Performance Reports in Google Search Console’. Training will be provided between 11 – 11:30am.

Should you like to attend the full ‘SEO-Search Engine Optimization’ Training the fee is R690.

To attend the one or both free Training courses please complete the RSVP form below. To attend the free Training you need to have a desktop or laptop with a microphone. The Training will be provided on Zoom. You don’t need to download Zoom. I will email you a link for you to enter the meeting. That simple!!

Please note that these 2 free training courses are going to benefit you if you have a ‘self-hosting’* WordPress website. If you are on the free WordPress version then you won’t benefit from the Training as the free version does not allow you to download plugins. *A self-hosting website is a website that is being hosted by a hosting company – you pay every month for hosting to a company such as AfriHost, Hetzner/ Xneelo, BlueHost, etc…

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a bit snowed under (the usual) and I therefore apologise if I don’t answer all your questions. On Thursday the 11th I will message all those who RSVPed for the 1 or the 2 short courses (free Training courses).

Attending 'How to Verify Your Website on Google Search Console'? (required)

Attending 'Understanding Performance Reports in Google Search Console'? (required)

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