Create FREE Website – Create and Publish a FREE WordPress Website
At the end of this Workshop you will walk away with your own FREE-hosted website! This training is for anyone who doesn’t yet have a WordPress website and would like to create a free WorldPress website as well as have it hosted for free.
Online Training from the comfort of your own home or office: convenient, effective and safe! Zoom is easy to use and very user-friendly. You don’t need to download Zoom – you will receive an invitation link for you to access the meeting. All you need is a desktop or laptop and a headset with mic.
Why Use WordPress?
People choose WordPress because it’s an easy platform to use. WordPress has a lot to offer regardless of whether you are new or experienced in building websites. It’s entirely customizable, and its plugin and theme systems can enable you to build almost any type of site you’d like. You can sell products and services from your own website and if you enjoy blogging you can publish articles to the internet on health and fitness, travelling, cooking… anything you are passionate about and… you will get a following in the process.
Creating a website and then help people meet their needs whilst achieving your business goals is useful and fun. More so if everything is free:
• FREE easy-to-build professional website (free themes, plugins and widgets)
• and FREE hosting.
One can now create beautiful websites on the free version of
What past participants are saying about this Training:
“So impressed! Tony is so patient in teaching and explains everything so well. My website is stunning – Dew Drops Diet Drops – best dieting drops ever! ” Val
“The internet made fun and I got new friends. Thanks!” Beatrice
“Yes, this was a really useful session. Thank you. I can’t wait to get started now” Lesley
More comments below…
Having a website is, needless to state, as important as having a phone. Thousands of people are online searching for products and services, thousands more are enjoying blogging and sharing their blogs with friends…
Whatever your business or social interests, with simple to use tools you can get your own website up and running in no time!
Simply choose your template, add a few details about your business and/ or hobbies, tell people how to contact you and press publish. Customers will be able to find your business in Google search results and on mobile devices.
Here’s what you get:
Do’s and Don’ts
A couple of “Golden Rules” to get you started.
Domain Name
How to search for a Domain Name
Web Hosting Companies
Which to use, which to avoid? AfriHost, BlueHost, GoDaddy, Google Sites, Hetzner, HostGator, WordPress, Xneelo, Yahoo…
FREE Platforms
Which to use, which to avoid? Drupal, Google Sites, Joomla, Wix, WordPress…
Setup a Profile
Settings in the Admin Area
- General
- Writing
- Reading
- Discussion
- Media
- Permalinks
- Sharing
- All Users
- Invite New
- Personal Settings
Setup a Gravatar Profile.
- Setup the ‘Title’ for the following pages: Home, Blogs, Photo Gallery, Video Gallery and Contact us
- Set the Featured Image.
Blogs / Blog Posts
- Set ‘Title’
- Set ‘Featured Image’
Embed Video
Embed a YouTube, Vimeo or your own mp4 Video to a Page or Post.
Choose a theme – you can change the look of your blog with over 380 attractive WordPress themes ranging from professional to fun to crazy, and you can switch themes instantly with just a click of a button. Each theme allows you to customize your sidebar using widgets, and several themes let you upload your own photo or image for the header bar.
Add a Nav Bar, Menus and drop-down Menus.
Site Stats
Days, weeks and months; Referrers; Search Engine Terms; Totals, Followers and Shares; Top Posts and Pages; Clicks; Enhanced Stats.
Mobile Theme
Enable mobile theme.
This is hands-on training.
Video Recording of the Training Course
You will be able to access the video recording of the Training Course 24/7.
Price – Free!
2022 Training Schedule: Dates and Time
This Training Course is hosted every 2nd Wednesday, 10am – 1:30pm (please refer Calendar below).
*choose one Wednesday. It can be any 2nd Wednesday as per the Calendar above.
What you need to have to attend
Online Training from the comfort of your own home or office: convenient, effective and safe! Zoom is very user-friendly. You don’t need to download Zoom – you will receive an invitation link for you to access the meeting. To attend you need to complete the RSVP Form (below), you need a desktop or laptop and a headset with a mic. As already mentioned Zoom is very user-friendly but please try and get some Zoom experience prior to the online class. If your server and/ or hosting are/ is too slow I am afraid the class will continue and you are going to be left behind.
In order to attend this Training Course, please complete the RSVP Form below. Should a particular date be oversubscribed you will be allocated the next available date. There is limited space so please change your RSVP should you no longer be able to participate. Your name and email will be added to our mailing list – we do send out a Newsletter every time we publish a new blog post.